
OverviewĮvery ArcGIS Pro project has a default geodatabase, which is marked with the Default icon. Completing that tutorial is not a prerequisite, but it will be useful if you aren't familiar with geoprocessing models, or if you want a better understanding of how the tool works. The model tool you'll share is essentially the same one that you build in the Make a geoprocessing model quick-start tutorial. Then you'll share it as a web tool and run it in your portal from ArcGIS Pro. First, you'll run the tool locally in an ArcGIS Pro project to ensure that it runs successfully. In this tutorial, you'll share a model tool as a web tool. You can access web tools in ArcGIS Pro and Map Viewer, as well as custom web apps such as those built with ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. Unlike a tool shared with a geoprocessing package, a web tool is hosted on-and runs in-your portal server or a server federated with your portal. You can share custom geoprocessing tools you create from ModelBuilder models or Python scripts to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.


View output data and geoprocessing history.
